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Welcome to our CaravanSA login page.

Southern Africa’s largest online community for Caravaners, Campers and Motorhoming enthusiasts.

By logging into this page you will be able to post your pre-owned Caravans, Trailers and Motorhomes for resale and marketing.

You may also use this login page to visit and comment on our website Forum & Community.

Your email address will be linked to any caravans, camping trailers or motorhomes that are featured in this section via our back end system. This means any persons interested in your products, will be emailed to you directly for ease of fulfilment.

Making it easier to reply to customers interested in your pre owned products for sale.

If you are a Registered and Authorised Dealership on our network, your used stock Items will also be broadcast and marketed across our entire network and showcased on your own website too – Automatically.

Please note that any advertisements made that do not pertain to caravanning, camping, motorhoming or outdoor activities will be deleted by our moderators. We have a zero tolerance against spam and spammers.

Please note that if you fail to remember your password after 3 attempts, you may be temporarily blocked from using our website for 15 minutes. We strongly suggest that after your 2nd failed attempt at logging in, to reset your password. This security measure has been put in place to prevent automated posting of spammers from regions outside of Southern Africa.